Our PLF Way

What is PLF International?
It is a company founded by the PLFs themselves to help market their members’ services to clients. Aside from being registered with the Ministry of Finance, we are a registered vendor to many local and multinational companies as well as being a certified HRDF Training Provider.

The company is overseen by board members who are themselves PLFs and are guided by providing only the best quality learning delivery to clients. 

What is a PLF?
PLF stands for Professional Learning Facilitator. In the competitive world of training and facilitation, anybody with the confidence to stand in front a crowd of people and talk wants to be called a ‘trainer’.

A PLF elevates the mere concept of ‘training’ to the Art and Science of facilitating learning. PLFs use the Take Charge! Learning Facilitator System® (PLF System), founded by Mohd Rizal Hassan, to achieve this goal. To qualify as a PLF, they undergo a 3-day intensive program where they explore and use the many tools used by Rizal in his many high-impact programs.

He is known to fill his programs with tools and techniques, rather than theories and talk (lecture). Focus is given to “How to” rather than just “Why”. He believes that there will always be many ways to address a subject and he is merely adding another point of view to one’s rich repertoire with regards to the subject of sharing and learning.

A PLF has the option of continuing their development to the next level, which is as a Master Practitioner of the system, where they will be considered to audit new PLFs.

Visit the official PLF Program website

What is the PLF Family?
The PLFs are not bound by a rigid organisation, nor official grouping. Instead, they are related by fraternity in a "family", where each member is respected for their unique specialisation and skills.

The family will sometimes organise learning events between family members based on interest. Some are internal, and some are external for a public audience.

Currently, there are more than 1600 active PLFs in Malaysia, Singapore, United Kingdom and Cambodia with more international PLFs joining the ranks.

Visit the official Facebook page for the PLFs

What is the PLF Showcase?
The PLF Showcase is a two-day learning event where a group of dedicated PLFs share their expertise with the public for free. It's primary intention is a stepping stone towards mastery as a Master PLF, certified by Rizal.

The event is held every 3 months in a year, traditionally at the end of January, April, July and October with different themes of personal development.

Visit the official blog here

Who recognises the PLF System?
The PLF System is formally recognised by many learning & development organisations as having impacted their ability to deliver high quality workshops at all levels and in all domains of industry.

Read more about this here

How do I become a PLF?
All you have to do is attend the next 3-day The Professional Learning Facilitator Program organised by PLF International.

You may check the course calendar here, or email professional@learning-facilitators.com for more information.